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People 20 Obamas

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David Adeleye

Policy specialist

Obama White House

Jennifer Gover Bannon

Assistant city attorney

City of Champaign

Pat Basu


Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Reggie Brown

Barack Obama impersonator

Comedian, speaker

Nisha Chittal

Director of audience and engagement


Duane Cyrus

Director, Theatre of Movement

UNC-Greensboro professor

Reshma Shah

Associate professor of marketing

Emory University

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An education that proves your purpose

Bryana Holcomb


BlackDoctor, Inc.

Jayda Imanlihen

Director of Multimedia Design & Production, Bovard College, University of Southern California

Executive Director, Black Girl Film School

Chloe Johnston

Experience analyst, Obama Foundation

Past president, UI Black Alumni Network

Beth Jones

COO, Hillary for America

Ex-White House director

Neel Kashkari

President, Minneapolis Fed

Administrator, TARP, 2008-09

Tom Lamont

Assistant Army Secretary

Obama Administration

Jaylin McClinton

Community organizer

Obama Foundation

Jeff Osuji

Co-founder, Eventnoire

Past president, UI Black Alumni Network

Eboo Patel

Faith advisor

Obama Administration

Mark Pelczarski

Software developer

Obama for America, 2011-12

Riley Roberts

Former chief speech writer

Attorney general’s office

Nancy Rosenstengel

Chief judge

Southern District of Illinois

Michael Strautmanis

Vice president

Barack Obama Foundation

Michael Van Valkenburgh

Award-winning architect

Hired for Obama library