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People 225 Quad

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Pablo Acosta

Senior economist

The World Bank

Anshul Agarwal

User experience researcher

Google of India

Howard Aizenstein

2019 LAS Alumni Achievement Award

Physician, scientist, Pitt professor

Luvvie Ajayi

Best-selling Nigerian author

'16 LAS Young Alum of Yr.

Scott Andresen

Sports/entertainment attorney

Andresen & Associates

Lisa Argabright Judd

Illini volleyball star

2003 All-American

Steven Hansen

President & CEO

Arizona Humane Society

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Julia Azari

American presidency expert

Author, Marquette professor

Ken Baker

Regional managing principal


Ruth Baleiko

Partner, Seattle studio

Miller Hull architectural firm

Stephen Balogh

Associate judge

Winnebago County

Jason Barickman

State senator, R-Bloomington

Meyer Capel attorney

Sarah Baumgartner

Executive senior associate athletics director, sports administration

University of Texas

Tony Baylis

Director, diversity/inclusion

Livermore National Lab

Shannon Beranek

Transportation engineer

City of Urbana

Norm Berns

Producer, director

ProStar Media

Linda Birnbaum

NIEHS director

Distinguished Alumni Award

Bruce Bloom


Cures Within Reach

Richard Bobowski


Friedman & Feiger, LLP

Hannah Bonecutter

Founder/owner, BoneClutter LLC

Teacher, tutor, actress

Marni Boppart

Professor of Kinesiology and Community Health

Beckman Vision and Spirit Award winner

Marianne Boruch

Acclaimed poet

Purdue professor

Bruno Breitmeyer

Professor emeritus

University of Houston

Matt Brickman



Reggie Brown

Barack Obama impersonator

Comedian, speaker