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People 25 UK

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Tim Killeen


UI system

Amber McReynolds

CEO, National Vote At Home Institute and Coalition

Co-author, ‘When Women Vote’

Dowoo Lee

Global strategy associate director

MediaCom of London

Susan Standiford

Chief technology officer

IKEA Group

Josie Chambers

Postdoctoral fellow in geography

University of Cambridge

Jacob Calvert

Chief scientist, Dascena

Pursuing Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley

Keith Kinsey

Former CEO


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An education that proves your purpose

Tom Dowling

UI’s 10th Rhodes scholar

Lightfoot for Chicago advisor

Stephen Steinhaus


Solihull Academy of the UK

Michael Choi



Zahra Dowlatabadi

Animation producer, consultant

Los Angeles

Paul Walmsley

Financial advisor

Merrill Lynch

Gioia Altobelli

Computational biologist

Bioinformatics of the UK

Colleen Keough Wagner

Fiction author, editor

aka ‘Rumer Haven’

Phoebe Morgan


HarperCollins Publishers

Beth Clutterbuck

Global head of people

Deliveroo (UK)

Tony Halmos


King’s Commission on London

Dipesh Navsaria

Associate pediatrics professor

University of Wisconsin

Ashley Berggren

Illinois Athletics HOF

Now living in London

Ed Thomson

Software engineer

Microsoft, UK

Kevin Warwick

Artificial intelligence pioneer

Former Beckman fellow

Darren Treasure

Sports psychologist

Nike’s Oregon Project

Anthony Leggett

Nobel-winning physicist

On UI faculty since ’83

Jill Ellis

Team USA soccer coach

Illini coach, 1997-99

Evangelos Benos

Senior economist

Bank of England