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People 28 1972

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John Axness

Picture editor

Showtime’s ‘Ray Donovan’

Dan Balz

Chief correspondent

The Washington Post

Linda Birnbaum

NIEHS director

Distinguished Alumni Award

Marianne Boruch

Acclaimed poet

Purdue professor

Steve Chicoine

Former oilman

Management consultant

Craig Cinotto

Executive adjuster

Litigation Adjusters

Jeff Davis


Meyer Capel

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Tom Colberg


CardioSpark LLC

Bonner Denton

Professor of chemistry, biochemistry

University of Arizona

Mary Doria Russell

Science fiction author

2-time Pulitzer nominee

Dr. Joel Geiderman

Co-chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center

2020 LAS Alumni Humanitarian Award

Ellen Greaves

Mediator, consultant, attorney

Raleigh-Durham, N.C.

Michael Harring

Retired VP

Deere & Company

Paul Ingrassia

Shared 1993 Pulitzer for beat reporting

Died in 2019 at age 69

Tom Lamont

Assistant Army Secretary

Obama Administration

Richard Lutz

Professor of marketing

University of Florida

Ronald Marcuson

Retired tax partner

Ernst & Young

Tim McCarthy

Former Secret Service agent

Retired Orland Park; police chief

Lynn Barnett Morris

UI associate professor

Recreation, Sport and Tourism

Saul Morse

Springfield attorney

Brown, Hay & Stephens

Bob Purvy

Ret. software engineer


Clifford Saper

Harvard professor

Groundbreaking neuroscientist

Michael Smeltzer


Former UI professor

Kirk Stephens


Marker InfoComm

Kevin Stotmeister


Federal Health Sign