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People 48 1997

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Majdi Abbas

Network engineer

Formerly of Yahoo

Megan Abraham

Executive director

The Goldie Initiative

Dr. Erik Antonsen

Assistant Director, Human Systems Risk Management


Victoria (Fan) Azalde

Global assistant controller


Ernest Benion

Apostle, Church of God

Ontario, Calif.

Scott Brakenridge

Chief Illiniwek 32

Florida surgeon

Kevin Waspi

Retired senior lecturer

Gies College of Business

To see more profiles like this,
look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Joan Cetera

Senior director/PR


Jill Ellis

Former Team USA soccer coach

Illini coach, 1997-99

Elizabeth Elmore

Assistant appeals counsel

Int'l Criminal Tribunals

Todd Fisher

Managing principal

St. James of London

Chris Gandy

3-year basketball starter

CEO, Midwest Legacy Group

Janet Gannon

Corp. development director


Chris George

Chicago attorney

Intellectual property

Preeti Ghuman

Civil engineer

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Andrew Goldberg

VP, marketing

Adrienne Arsht Center

Ryan Gower


Lincoln Trail College

Priya Harjani

Associate VP, deputy general counsel

Northwestern University

Brian Harris


Barrington schools

Katharine Hayhoe

Climate scientist

One of Time’s 'Most influential'

Jerry Hester

All-Big Ten forward

Former radio analyst

Patti Hutter

VP/dep. general counsel

UW Health

Jodi Kawada Page



Ted Kemp

Managing editor

CNBC International Digital

Christopher Kenessey


NetMotion Software