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People 59 2004

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Dr. Michael Adkesson


Chicago Zoological Sociey

Dr. Erik Antonsen

Assistant Director, Human Systems Risk Management


Lisa Argabright Judd

Illini volleyball star

2003 All-American

Shahzeen Attari

Associate professor

Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Ananth Avva


Wrike software

Meg Bates

U of Chicago senior research and evaluation scientist

Director of digital teacher learning research

Nisa (Agrawal) Johnson

Brand manager

Modelo Especial/Constellation Brands

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An education that proves your purpose

Trevor Bates

VP, academic affairs

Mercy College of Ohio

Sean Bauer

Director, Walgreens

Mergers & Acquisitions

Brian Berg

Medical science liaison

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals

Sara Bunting

Global training manager

John Deere

Candi Butzow

Director, brand strategy


Kai Chen

Senior software engineer

Google of Northern Europe

Cindy Dallas


21st pick, ’04 WNBA draft

Dan Di Santo

Oswego village administrator

4-year Kam’s doorman

Erich Elsen

Senior software engineer


Chris Esbrook

Founding partner

Esbrook Law LLC

Vince Fabrizio

Director, client services

Dow Jones

Holley Fain


Julia on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Perdita Felicien

2-time Summer Olympian

Illini Athletics HOF

Tim Franklin

Boeing engineer


Bryan Freres

Assistant U.S. attorney

Degrees in history, law

Shannon Gedey



Chris Gersch


Verde Solutions LLC

Allison Guth

Head basketball coach

Yale University