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People 164 Finance

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Pablo Acosta

Senior economist

The World Bank

Jacob Ambrose

Co-founder, managing partner

Armory Capital

Rodney Anderson


Pancheros Mexican Grill

Vipin Arora


U.S. Energy Administration

Ariel Avila

General manager

Sonder of Montreal

Jeff Badu

2018 Lester McKeever Award

Chicago CPA

Jordan Batt

CEO, co-founder

Endurance Direct, Northbrook

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Jordan Batt

CEO, co-founder

Endurance Direct, Northbrook

Perry Beaumont

Lecturer, Columbia U

Head of data and actuarial science, Distinguished Programs

Kent Becker

Senior VP

Moody’s Investors Service

Sunil Benimadhu


Stock Exchange of Mauritius

Evangelos Benos

Senior economist

Bank of England

Gagan Bhatia


DataStride Solutions

Patti Blagojevich

Financial advisor

Former Illinois first lady

David Boduch

Senior financial analyst


David Born

R&D director

Dow Chemical Co.

Timothy Bracken

Director, affordable housing team


Carlos Braga

Former director, Europe

The World Bank

Neil Bresnahan

3-year UI basketball starter

Chicago financial advisor

Jon Lee Brody

LA-based filmmaker

Iron Will Productions

Jeff Brown

Dean, Gies College of Business

Margot Lakonishok Professor of Business

Aaron Buckley

Microsoft director

Revenue and monetization

Brian Carley



Collin Carlier


Royse & Brinkmeyer Apartments

Dan Carrigan


Nasdaq Futures Exchange