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People 2,163

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Genevieve Thoris

Founder & CEO

We Do Hair of Paris

MariJo Kohler

Football operations

New York Jets

Michelle Hodges

VP and chief HR officer

Curves Jenny Craig

Jill Wine-Banks

Watergate prosecutor

Led American Bar Assn.

Scott Atlas

Stanford’s Hoover Institution

Alumni Achievement Award

Amy Stoch


Lisa Alden on ‘Dallas’

Jessica Murphy

BibRave co-founder

Formerly of Runner’s World, Nike

Stephen Moore

Heritage Foundation fellow

Former Trump advisor

Bob Kustra

Boise State president

Led E. Kentucky, 1998-2001

John Mackovic

Illini football coach

30-16-1 record, 1988-91

Jason Pastori

Senior director/digital

Universal Music

Kai Chen

Senior software engineer

Google of Northern Europe

Ilina Scott

Lead creative strategist

Google of Northern Europe

Julie Bensman

Host, writer, producer

Created BBC’s ‘RSVP Abroad’

Robyn Neal

Digital marketing coordinator

Boston Celtics

Madhu Southworth

Senior VP/legal

AMC Entertainment

Kristina Minor

Assistant AD/compliance

Rutgers University

Katy Clark

Executive director, Kornfeld Foundation

Past president, Brooklyn Academy of Music

Andrea Evans

Soap opera actress

Tina on ‘One Life To Live'

David Schmidly

President at 3 universities

Texas Tech, Okla. St., UNM

Larry Faulkner

UI provost, 1994-98

President, Texas, 1998-2006

Tony Waldrop

Former UI vice chancellor

South Alabama President

Steven Leath

President, Auburn University

Led Iowa State from 2012-17

Michael Schwartz

President at 2 universities

Kent State, Cleveland State