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People 125 Los Angeles

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Latifah Al-Hazza

Social media manager

Frommer’s Travel Guides

Rich Archbold

Executive editor

Long Beach Press-Telegram

Dave Arthurs

Chief technology officer


John Axness

Picture editor

Showtime’s ‘Ray Donovan’

Irving Azoff

2020 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee

CEO, Azoff MSG Entertainment

Leslie Bardo Gordon

Writer, marketer, strategist

LeslieWrites, LLC

Chuck Bowsher

U.S. comptroller general

Reagan appointee (1981-96)

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Douglas Bell

Oral historian

The Oscars

Julie Bensman

Host, writer, producer

Created BBC’s ‘RSVP Abroad’

Clark Benson



Justin Bois

Biology lecturer


Ehsan Bokhari

Senior analyst

Los Angeles Dodgers

Betsy Brandt


Marie on 'Breaking Bad'

Paul Brittain


Former SNL cast member

Jon Lee Brody

LA-based filmmaker

Iron Will Productions

Reggie Brown

Barack Obama impersonator

Comedian, speaker

Diana Browne

Senior director

Evoque Consulting

Petrea Burchard

Actor, author

Audiobook narrator, ACX.com

Jodie Burke

Hollywood scriptwriter

ESPN 30 for 30 alumna

Timothy Carhart


‘Thelma & Louise,’ ‘Witness’

Bob Cesarone

Asst. program manager

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

Cristy Chapman Uhrig

1999 Dike Eddleman Award

All-Big Ten middle blocker

Melissa Chataigne

Owner, founder

Chataigne Style Studio

Nick Ciffone

Creative director

2 Cannes Lion award wins

Jason Cong

Distinguished chancellor’s professor

Computer science, UCLA