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Tina Akouris

Digital news editor

Chicago Tribune

Mitch Altman

Inventor, hacker

Cornfield Electronics CEO

Scott Altman

NASA astronaut

Flew 4 shuttle missions

Malia Andrus

Data scientist


John Axness

Picture editor

Showtime’s ‘Ray Donovan’

Prith Banerjee

Senior client partner

Korn Ferry

Beto Guajardo

President, Schlotzsky's

Former Starbucks senior VP/global strategy

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An education that proves your purpose

Tony Baylis

Director, diversity/inclusion

Livermore National Lab

Clark Benson



Ashley Berggren

Illinois Athletics HOF

Now living in London

Cory Bradford

UI’s 5th all-time scorer

1,735 points, 1999-2002

Clair Brendel

Disaster program manager

American Red Cross

Paul Brittain


Former SNL cast member

Jon Lee Brody

LA-based filmmaker

Iron Will Productions

Jake Bronowski

Massage therapist

Seattle Sounders

Mike Buchner

CEO, Fallon ad agency

Arby’s, BTN among clients

Kam Buckner

Illinois State representative


Tonja Buford-Bailey

3-time Olympian

1992 NCAA hurdles champ

Donato Cabrera

Music director

California Symphony

Timothy Carhart


‘Thelma & Louise,’ ‘Witness’

Dan Carrigan


Nasdaq Futures Exchange

Javier Cevallos

University president

Framingham State

Ted Chien


Sullivan, Cotter & Associates

Karen Conti

Chicago attorney

WGN legal consultant

Christopher Conway


Philanthropic Counsel