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People 47 Garcia's

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Michael Albert

Sign language interpreter

Chicago Hearing Society

Kristen Allen


State Farm

Steve Austin

Asst. Chief/Army Reserve

The Pentagon

Scott Baer

Sr. electrical engineer

General Dynamics

Drew Bohan

Executive director

California Energy Commission

Paola Boivin

Selection committee member

College Football Playoff

Alex Krasavin

Partner at Radford

Based in Singapore

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Mike Bushman


Former DI editor-in-chief

Bob Cesarone

Asst. program manager

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

Ted Chien


Sullivan, Cotter & Associates

Jim Eichhorst

Maryland state director

Farm Service Agency

Nancy Farrell

Reg. dietitian nutritionist

Farrell Dietitian Services

Karen Frame


Makeena, Inc.

Kent Fuchs


University of Florida

Dwight Garrels

Engineering project mgr.

Benham Breweries

John Giannini

College basketball coach

508–375 career mark

Raul Gouvea

Professor, International Management

University of New Mexico

Steve Gray


Asteri Networks

Karyn Greer

Investigative reporter

CBS 46, Atlanta

Chuck Haas

Engineering professor

Distinguished Alumni Award

Richard Hanus

Chicago immigration attorney

Inspiration for the 2019 NYC play ‘The Courtroom’

Jan Horvath

Broadway opera singer

‘Phantom of the Opera’ original

Steve Johns

President and founder

Confluence Pharmaceuticals

Christina Jump

Civil attorney

Muslim legal advocate

Dale Kempf

Abbvie distinguished research fellow

Director of Neglected Diseases Research