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People 24 1975

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J. Robert Rossman

Professor and dean emeritus

Illinois State University

Diane Wolfe Marlin

Urbana mayor since 2017

Coordinator, UI Family Resiliency Program (2000-10)

Angela Sinickas

2020 Alumni Achievement Award

International corporate communication researcher

Avis (Sampson) LaVelle

Former press secretary to Chicago Mayor Richard Daly

Executive director, Business Leadership Council

Norman Beamer

Administrative patent judge

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Scott Shearer

Bockorny Group VP

USDA deputy ass’t secretary (1993-96)

Carol Menassa

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Michigan

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

David Prosperi

Senior VP, communications

The Options Clearing Corp. (OCC)

Jim McKinstray

Retired VP

The Andersons

Sharon Marshall Hoerr

Emeritus professor

Michigan State University

Tom Starr

AT&T Labs

Distinguished Engineering Alum

Gary Brierley


Doctor Mole, Inc.

Jeanne Harris

Business analytics lecturer

Columbia University

Deb Busey

40 years in local government

Champaign County administrator, 1998-2016

Donna Greene

Former CEO

Busey Wealth Management

Robert Gaynes

Distinguished physician

Emory School of Medicine

Bill Hill

Asst. managing editor


Shiraz Tayabji

Senior principal engineer

Applied Research Associates

Dan Farber

Law professor


Stuart Umpleby

Past president

American Cybernetics Society

Tom Cartwright

Bank advisor

Formerly of JP Morgan Chase

Jason Brett

Entertainment executive

Co-produced ‘About Last Night’

Freeman Hrabowski

President, UMBC

One of Time’s ‘Most Influential'

Tom Siebel

Software entrepreneur

Donated $157 million-plus

Stephen Tobolowsky


Ned from 'Groundhog Day'