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People 36 Deluxe

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Mark Adams

Best-selling author

‘Turn Right at Machu Picchu’

Beth Bicknese

Senior veterinarian

San Diego Zoo

Arnold Blockman

Former circuit judge

Now teaching at UI Law

John Bradford

Texas attorney

Liskow & Lewis, Houston

Jeff Carter


West Loop Ventures

Tom Cartwright

Bank advisor

Formerly of JP Morgan Chase

Matthew Jones

Actor with 50+ credits

Appeared on ‘Scandal,’ ‘General Hospital’

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An education that proves your purpose

Kevin Conlon


Conlon & Dunn Public Strategies

Jon Creyts

Managing director

Rocky Mountain Institute

Dan Farber

Law professor


Dan Farris

Director, athletic bands

Northwestern University

Veletta Forsythe-Lill

Ret. executive director

Dallas Arts District

Tony Frank

Colorado State University System Chancellor

Former CSU President (2008-19)

Mike Gonzalez


Secession Golf Club

Ellen Greaves

Mediator, consultant, attorney

Raleigh-Durham, N.C.

Eric Jackson


Pipeline Foods

Howie Japlon

VP/general counsel

Ace Hardware

Jay Jelinek

Global finance director

Wilson Sporting Goods

Tim Kabat


La Crosse, Wisconsin

Stephen Katz

North American director

Jews for Jesus

Michael Kelly

Media executive

Ex-Weather Channel CEO

Art Kramer

Beckman Institute director, 2010-16

Professor/center director, Northeastern University

John Kuffel

European pricing director

Bacardi of Germany

David Lassner


University of Hawaii

Jim McKinstray

Retired VP

The Andersons