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People 28 1973

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Mark Goldenberg

Managing partner, Goldenberg Heller & Antognoli

2019 College of Law Distinguished Alum

Kevin Waspi

Retired senior lecturer

Gies College of Business

Jim Nowlan

Author, columnist, publisher

Former state representative

Stanley Eisenstein

Chicago attorney

Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson & Bareck

Ed Krol

Internet Hall of Famer

‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Internet’ author

Judy Hevrdejs

Writer, editor, columnist

Chicago Tribune, Daily News

Patti Blagojevich

Financial advisor

Former Illinois first lady

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look for the blue corner ribbon for Gies College of Business

An education that proves your purpose

Richard Lutz

Professor of marketing

University of Florida

Steve Pearl


Cross Continental Capital

Bill Heinz

Law partner

Jenner & Block

Juanita Havill

Children’s book author

Santa Cruz County, Ariz.

Steve Stratton

International director

JLL, Chicago

Steve Beckett

Pillar of the Bar

Distinguished Alumni Award

Steve Van Arsdell

Retired senior partner

Deloitte & Touche

Arnold Blockman

Former circuit judge

Now teaching at UI Law

Bruce Molitoris

Past president

Amer. Society of Nephrology

Gail Storey

Award-winning author

National Outdoor Book Award

Dan Halpin

Pioneering civil engineer

Distinguished Alumni Award

Mark Hogan

Director, Toyota board

President, Dewey Investments

George Paulin

Chairman, CEO

Frederic West Cook & Co.

Russell Dupuis

Chair, Electro-Optics

Georgia Tech

Joe Tanner

NASA astronaut

Flew 4 shuttle missions

Colleen Callahan

Director, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Distinguished Service Award recipient

Judi Nash

Miss America 1969

Delta Gamma alumna

Tom Trone

Retired director/sales

John Deere